How to install Xen hypervizor on CentOs 7.

How To Install Xen Hypervizor On CentOs 7.

  1. Install CentOs 7 on your vm/vps/server.

  2. Partition the Xen hypervisor box:

    The disk can be partitioned any way you like, with one exception: you must create a separate partition with LVM. This will be used to deploy block devices as hard disks for virtual machines.

  3. Install essential utilities on the Xen Hypervisor box:

We recommend the following software is preinstalled on the Xen hypervisor box: 

  • vim command-line editor. This guide uses vim in examples where files need to be edited.

  • GNU tar utility and GNU zip archive tool. They are used to pack the template.

  • X window system. We will use it to run some GUI applications.

  • Apache web server. It will be used to run local distributive mirrors, and access KickStart files during installation.

  • virt-manager. Not mandatory, but sometimes it makes creating servers easier.

  • vncviewer. Used for connecting to virtual servers via VNC.

  • LVM utilities. All of them will be required while creating servers and Linux templates for OnApp.

  1. Add YUM repository:

    An extra YUM repository is used to get the Xen hypervisor installed manually.

    Please download extra repository configuration file and place it into standard YUM repositories configuration files location (/etc/yum.repos.d/):

    # wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ GITCO-XEN3.4.3_x86_64.repo 
  2. Install Xen Hypervisor:

  1. Clean YUM meta-data:

    # yum -y -q clean all 
  2. Remove old Xen if installed:

    # yum remove xen 
  3. Install the latest Xen from GITCO:

    # yum install xen 
  4. Remove i386 libvirt:

    # yum remove libvirt.i386 xen-libs.i386 
  5. Configure xend service to start on system boot:

    # chkconfig --add xend
    # chkconfig xend on 
  6. Install Xen hypervisor (Dom0) kernel:

    # yum install kernel-xen 
  7. Verify the kernel-xen package is installed, and determine the version:

    # rpm -q kernel-xen 
  8. Configure GRUB boot loader to use Xen kernel as default (check GRUB’s configuration file):

    # vim /boot/grub/grub.conf
  9. Reboot the box:

    # shutdown -r now 
  10. Check if Xen hypervisor is running when the box boots:

    # xm info