How to configure hostname and password on the Switch.

What is a switch?

The switch is a network device that is used to segment the networks into different subnetworks called subnets or LAN segments. It is responsible for filtering and forwarding the packets between LAN segments based on the MAC address. The switch is a network device that is used to segment the networks into different subnetworks called subnets or LAN segments. It is responsible for filtering and forwarding the packets between LAN segments based on the MAC address. 

Steps to Configure the Switch: 

  1. Open the switch and enable it:

Press enter and en for enable the switch:

  1. Configure the Hostname.

switch#conf t
switch(config)#hostname (name of your witch)

3: Set a message of the day (MOTD) banner for the users.

SW1(config)#banner motd $

4.Set up line control password and enable secret password:

To configure the Line Control password and Enable secret follow the below commands:

SW1#conf t
SW1(config)#line con 0
SW1(config-line)#password Sgt223

SW1(config)#enable secret Sgt443

5: Verify the password

  • When you try to log in first, it will ask for the line control password.

  • Then, to configure the terminal it will ask to enable a secret password.

Once you have made all the desired changes, save the configuration to the switch’s memory using write memory or copy running-config startup-config command. This step ensures that the configuration remains intact after a reboot.