This website (including the or and all other portals and dashboards offered within the or domain), the Nexonhost SRL website (“NexonHost”) explain how cookies are placed on your computer, tablet, and / or mobile phone (a “device”) to record information.
A cookie is a small amount of data (a small file) sent to your computer by a website. In general, when you visit the NexonHost site, cookies will be placed on your device to help us provide you with a good browsing experience and also allow us to improve our website.
Specifically, the nexonhost site uses cookies for the following purposes:
– Web analytics. The NexonHost site uses web analytics tools such as Google Analytics (a web analytics service provided by Google) and Piwik. Cookies are placed on your device to help distinguish between visitors and analyze how users use the NexonHost site. The cookies placed on your device are used to collect certain information, such as the date and time a user accesses the NexonHost site, the number of times a user has visited the NexonHost site and the website directed the user to the NexonHost site .
– Functional Cookies. The NexonHost site also places cookies on the device to make it easier to navigate the site. These cookies are used to allow the site to remember the choices you have made and provide you with more personalized and upgraded features. For example, these cookies can be used to remind you of the status of your shopping cart or to allow you to return to a previous page.
– Social Media. Social media can place cookies on the NexonHost site to integrate social media (ie LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook). You agree to place these cookies on your device by clicking on the social media buttons to enable them. These social environments have their own privacy and cookie policies that NexonHost does not control. Please check out social media sites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them.
– Remarketing. The NexonHost site uses the AdRoll and Google Adwords advertising services. Both AdRoll and Google Adwords can place cookies on your device to serve ads based on your previous visits to the NexonHost site. More information about the use of AdRoll and Google Adwords cookies can be found on their respective sites.
You may refuse cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser. Note that if you do so, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Nexonhost site.