Posted on February 21, 2023 by nexonhost
If you want to add a secondary IP address to a NIC already in use in Linux, and have that change only temporary. Enter this command:
ifconfig [nic]:0 [IP-Address] netmask [mask] up
An example is shown below
ifconfig eth0:0 netmask up
You need to be root in order to execute that command.
If you prefer to use the ip command instead of ifconfig
ip address add [ip]/[mask-digits] dev [nic]
Here is an example
ip address add dev eth0
With this command you can add more ip address to the same dev NIC, the second is considered as secondary.
For Ubuntu systems, edit the /etc/network/interfaces file
vim /etc/network/interfaces
Add this for one extra IP
auto [NIC]:[n]
iface [NIC]:[n] inet static
address []
gateway []
netmask []
Here an example:
auto eth0:1
iface eth0:1 inet static
gateway **********
You can add as many blocks as you want. Just change eth0:1 for eth0:2, eth0:3 and so on.
If you are adding additional IPs to eth1, or eth2 also modify that on the example.